GENSANarium will be on hiatus for the next two years or so. For the mean time, posts subtitled as SIDE TRIPS will be featured which highlight other places and events in the Philippines. Enjoy! - Admin, 2/10/14

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Side Trip: Visayas State University

In one of my official meetings, I got to visit one of the premier universities in Visayas Region – the Visayas State University. In that short visit, I got the chance to roam around the campus.

Visayas State University, or simply VSU, is situated at Visca, Baybay City, Leyte. According to the locals, Leyte is divided into two major cultural groups – the Waray dominates the northern part and the Cebuanos in the southern part. Thankfully, VSU is in the south and communication did not become a problem for me. As I experienced at the beginning, I found it hard talking to the Waray people since we could not understand each other. LOL!

Anyway, VSU sits on a thousand-hectare land (1,099 hectares to be exact, according to Wikipedia). It is physically divided by a highway into Lower and Upper VSU. Lower VSU is facing the Camotes Sea and basically, it houses the dormitories, cottages, hostels, training centers, seafront suits, and resorts of the campus. These facilities cater to visitors and tourists. Also inside Lower VSU is the high school and sports utilities like basketball and tennis court.
On the other hand, Upper VSU sits on Mount Pangasugan. Thankfully, an old colleague, who happens to have become a recent faculty member of the university, took liberty in touring me around. Upper VSU is quite large and he simply drove me around the campus. Located inside it are the College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Engineering, College of Education, College of Forestry and Natural Resources, College of Arts and Science, College of Nursing, College of Management and Economics, College of Nursing, College of Agriculture, Institute of Strategic Research and Development Studies, and the Graduate School and Special Programs.
Well, right at the entrance, one can get a look at their own version of UP’s famous oblation statue. But instead of a naked male, there are two naked figures of a male and female. Thanks for the little leaves and twigs which hide their nakedness. LOL!
Though I was not able to take many pictures of their different facilities, I get to look at their research ventures like their biodiesel plant, root-crop stations, rainforest, and many more.
In just that short visit, I came to admire Visayas State University. In the recent licensure examination for agricultural engineering, one of their graduates ranked first, with 100% passing rate for the university. Indeed, VSU can boost of excellence and prestige.
Well, since I am already in Leyte, I found time to visit the popular MacArthur Landing Memorial Park.

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