GENSANarium will be on hiatus for the next two years or so. For the mean time, posts subtitled as SIDE TRIPS will be featured which highlight other places and events in the Philippines. Enjoy! - Admin, 2/10/14

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

It is now Christmas, and just few hours back, it was Christmas Eve and as expected of it, the day was long and exhausting, but certainly very fun and wonderful.

The day started with us attending the Misa de Gallo. It was our ninth morning, and I am proud to announce that I have completed the nine consecutive midnight masses. My wish will now come true! LOL (It is a belief that anyone who can complete the Misa de Gallo will have his or her wish come true). But more than the thrill of a wish possibly coming true, it is my own expression of my deep gratitude to the Almighty One who has blessed me a great year.

The rest of the day had been filled with chores to perform and tasks to complete – preparing our Noche Buena (the Christmas feast), going to the stores and back to home and back to the stores and back again, taking little naps in between, watching cartoons with the kids, and attending to my phone rings.

Then night came and we prepared for the evening mass. It was very unfortunate that we got no seats in the church. We were not late; in fact, we came just as the first mass ended. However, a lot of people was already inside and instantly, all seats were occupied. So we just stayed outside, took turns sitting on the short bench, and listened intently to the priest.

There was a short play about the Nativity (birth of Jesus Christ) during the mass. It was very engaging and I was especially impressed with the actors and singers. The priest’s sermon on the meaning of Christmas was as well beautiful. Everything was perfect, maybe except for the hot humid air. In addition, the city’s Congressman was also with us in the mass. Funny it felt good that someone Honorable shared the mass with us. LOL! And more than the respected VIP, the mass was great as I shared it with my family and loved ones.

By ten o’clock, we reach home and waited for midnight. Already, our neighbors were feasting and partying. Karaokes, videokes, and large sound systems were outside the houses, playing with all their might songs of Jovit Baldovino, Jon Bon Jovi, and many others. People were dancing on the streets. Everyone seemed to have a funny smell, so obvious when they greet you loud and clear.

So midnight came and the sky began to change colors. Everywhere, fire crackers and fireworks displayed their vibrant colors. It was very fascinating to watch. More people crowded on the street, enjoying the colors and smell of powder, giving out gifts, sharing food and graces, and changing goodwill wishes to one another…

It is now around two in the morning but people are still partying outside. The music did not wane, so do the laughter and merriment. Today is Christmas, and may the spirit of joy, love and giving stay with us for another fruitful year.

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